It’s your chance to save lives!

Vijay Kumar
3 min readMay 6, 2021


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With India facing the worst of the pandemic, people are dying due to lack of oxygen. Let’s come together to help the country fight #COVID and save precious lives.

Hope2Education Foundation India is #providing #oxygen concentrators and we urge you to come forward and do you bit to help India breathe.

Donate to boost oxygen supply

Provide oxygen to help India breathe again

At the onset of the pandemic last year, when hospitals were facing a dire need for protective gear and equipment, we at Hope2Education Foundation had responded in record time to stand strong beside our saviors, our healthcare heroes. And we were able to fill the gap by raising ₹28+ lakhs through this mission and helped those who were risking their lives to save ours.

As reported on April 22, India crossed the 3 lakh mark of new single-day cases, the highest tally in the world since the pandemic began. This increasing burden of COVID-positive patients, 2,000+ recorded fatalities per day, lack of life-saving equipment like oxygen cylinders and concentrators, ventilators and Bipaps is crippling our healthcare infrastructure.

Oxygen supply — the need of the hour

The image of many patient families crying and crowding outside hospitals desperate to get urgent medical help for their kith and kin is etched in our memories. Thousands have lost their loved ones to this growing crisis. There is a critical and immediate need for oxygen in hospitals and COVID Care Centres that our NGOs across the country have been registering with us. In response to this, we are relaunching our health mission to support critical patients by:

Providing oxygen:

  • By setting up oxygen generation plants in hospitals/COVID facility compounds in Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai, Pune and Chennai. A 5,000-litre capacity plant costs ₹6cr and can support 650 people per day.
  • By providing oxygen concentrators that use oxygen from the air and convert it to medical-grade oxygen. A patient in need of a concentrator needs to be on it for 5–7 days. One oxygen concentrator costs ₹55,000.
  • By providing oxygen cylinders that help a person in need of oxygen support for 5–7 days. The B-type (1,500L) oxygen cylinder costs ₹15,000 while the D-type (6,000L) costs ₹25,000.
  • By refilling oxygen cylinders, as the manufacture is restricted to certain states and transporting oxygen cylinders from one state to another requires specific vehicles which are not very widely available in the given situation. Refilling A B-type cylinder costs ₹800/refill and D-type costs ₹2,500/refill.

Providing life-saving equipment:

  • By providing Bipaps which are also known as non-invasive ventilation. One Bipap costs approximately ₹60,000.
  • By providing ventilators which are priced at ₹5 lakh per item.

Join the mission to support critical COVID patients, charitable hospitals, and COVID Care Centres. Your contribution will help them fight COVID safely and more effectively.

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Vijay Kumar
Vijay Kumar

Written by Vijay Kumar

The rich invest in time, the poor invest in money.

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